Cubaan berani membuat karipap!

Ari ini Jumaat 27 Mac 2009, kali pertama dlm hidup aku telah membuat 4 biji karipap berbekalkan resepi yg ku google.

Ciri-ciri karipap ini:
1)Berkulit tebal hingga agak keras dan tidak rangup.
2)Berinti sardin yg pedas dan sedikit masin kerana digoreng bersama sambal olek.
3)Berbentuk tidak sekata kerana aku telah mengelim sesuka hati asal melekat.

Selepas ini, aku tak mahu lagi membuat karipap. Haha...Nk beli kat kedai ja. Sebijik karipap telah masuk ke dalam perut. Kini aku sdg mencari jln untuk menyumbat ketiga-tiga karipap ini plak. Lepas ni, aku nk try buat burger ikan bilis plak. Kita lihat hasilnya nanti. Hohoho..

Mana lg besh??

Tak tahu mna yg besh...Antara:

-blik summer break nanti trus wat praktikal OR trus jalan2 dgn bf yg kacak bergaya..haha.

-luangkan masa study setiap hari OR layan tenet smpai mata lebam2.

-makan sup sayur kobis bunga OR makan puding chocolate+vanilla..yummy:)

-duduk sorang2 tgk dinding OR bergosip dgn!

One day is a bless..

Setiap hari aku bangun dari tidur.. Aku bersyukur kerana masih ada udara untukku bernafas.

Setiap hari sebelum aku tidur.. Aku terkenang orang2 yang aku sayang.

Dan tatkala itu aku iringkan doa..

Ya Allah...kurniakanlah aku sekurang-kurangnya sehari bersamanya sebelum tiada udara lagi untuk aku bernafas.

Ya Allah...biarlah dia orang terakhir yang aku lihat di muka dunia ini.

Sehari bersamanya sebelum aku pergi.. That day will be a bless for me.

And who say one day is nothing??

4 hari di Coburg

Baru 4 hari di Coburg..aku dah check tiket nak balik malaysia cuti sommer nanti. Bertapa bosannya hidup di sini. class pon bosan. Dozent semua lemau ja. Dah la diorang buat lawak aku tak paham. Aisey...lalu aku pon bermesyuarat bersama teman2 di sebelah. Peduli apa aku! Rumah sunyi sepi. Nak tengok movie pon bosan. Keliwon plak yak best. Cerita agak ntah hape2. Tapi kadang2 tu aku layan la jugak. Spa Q....kadang2 menarik. Kadang2 kena foward. Kalo x, konpem aku syahid.

Cuma kebap tepi FH yang membuatkan aku bersemangat sikit untuk terus hidup di Coburg. Sedap sampai menjilat jari. Adunan mayonis yang sempurna. Ayam plak dipanggang hingga masak tanpa garing. Lembut bila digigit. Tambah plak dgn salat2 sekalian tanpa bawang. Dan tak lupa serbuk cili yang suam2 pedas.. Fuh! Aku lapar...

Itu je la yang best pon.

Ada lagi. Internet FH yang laju..Memang best la nak tengok crite pun tak yah tunggu lama2.

Ermm...tu je kot. Kalo kat Malaysia panjang lagi la post aku ni. Sikit2 sudah... Haishhh~



Words that can kill the innocent heart of those who unfortunately gives his/her precious trust to the wrong person.

A girl trusts that her boyfriend won't cheat with another chicks.
A wife trusts her husband when he say "Honey, I'll be home late tonight"
Best friends share their secrets together and parents let their trusty kids go out on Saturday night.

Everybody trusts somebody. But not everybody know how to appreciate when people put a trust on them. Some may argue that sometime lies are better than the truth. But for me, I can't tolerate with people who are unfaithful.

According to Cambridge, unfaithful is defined as having a sexual relationship or experience with a person who is not your husband, wife or usual sexual partner.

Or maybe for a lower level, it is always related to the wicked third person (focusing to
a love relationship). If even no sexuality occurs along with the unfaithfulness, it is still a major betrayal that should have never been done by anyone, anytime and anywhere.

Nowadays we can see or hear this all over the place, even in catchy songs such as Demi Waktu or Tak Bisa Memilihmu. I honestly love these songs but not influenced by the character in the songs. They kinda help the unloyals to save time and saliva rather than explaining their partner about what happened. It may take weeks or months or years. But with the songs, it takes only a night!

You might think that I'm over prejudice or ntah apa2, but just put yourself in others' shoes. No matter how tough we might think we are, I believe that no heart can bare. I really hope that it will never happen to me. Because I'm not strong at all.

Dear boyfriend, be good to me as I trust you with all of my life. Together we spend our moments till the end of time...

Jam kaler gold aku hilang...Hua..............

Jam aku hilang...dh dua tahun lebih aku pakai. Aku mula pakai jam tu tym nk amk peksa Fizik 2 tahun lepas. Wahai Ina dan Azra...jam yg aku show off kat ampa dua dulu dh hilang. Aku cari kat umah tp x jumpak lg. Ala..jam besi yg kaler gold ckt2 tu. Sedih (-_-)...Haissshhhhh~