If everything is twisted a lil bit

We know that....

  • wearing skinny jeans and tight clothes is forbidden
  • holding hands with non-muhrims is forbidden
  • talking behind others is forbidden

....but we still have a heart to do all of this.

So bang your head and tell me.....

  • who we are
  • which one is worse, people who ignore only the 'do not+verb' part or people who ignore the whole idea of it

.....and why do we keep doing them.

Millions of people ignore only the 'do not+verb' part, but we're fine with it. But when one man on earth simply clarifies that he/she ignore the whole idea of it, we're speechless.

Does it means, millions of people pass with 50% marks and the man fails with zero?

Chicken Cordon Bleu

After doing TM2 this early morning, I was a bit stress because I've already expected the outcome. Just nice. Haha... I went to buy some chocs for beloved Malaysian and also the half-everything needed for my chicken cordon bleu. I didn't manage to find toothpick anywhere at Aldi or Norma. Plus, I was so lazy to go and buy chicken ham at the mosque. It's not that I'm lazy to go to the mosque OK~

I used my chef skills to slice the chicken breast by using a chef knife. Washed them with a little bit of flour and let them dried. Meanwhile, I sliced the frankfurter and boiled it with water for about 10 minutes as a substitute for ready cooked chicken ham. Then, the normal process started, rolling and kept rolling, secured with 1/4 lidi satey yg ditajamkan sendiri guna chef skills jgk :P

Then, I used 3 ultimate rolling stage to make sure that it will have the best taste in the world. Hyperboles lagi. First stage was with Kentucky flour, second with eggs and the third with slammed-with-big-stone-by-Aimi bread. Can't you imagine that? Luckily all the Germans like to eat hard-like-stone bread. Finally, I put them in a baking tray, baked them with 200 degree for 40 minutes.

And now, I'm waiting for them to cook while loud hip hop musics coming out from my stomach. Eh, it's a loud TING!!!! Horrayyyyyyyy!!!!!!! (^^,)

Ok, I'm so full right now. So yummiessssss!!!!! Urghhh...Rabbit!

Dumplings at 3 a.m

Today, I did something unexplainable as early as 3 a.m again. Last time, I tried to make doughnuts, but it failed. Haha. This time, it was a Chinese dumpling! Walawei...semangat! And it tastes quite well. Finally I did something today. These dumplings are dedicated to all my London travel mates and thanks to Asma' curiosity, we managed to know what is actually a dumpling :P

All I need was a small cup of flour and a small amount of water to make the dough. For the filling, I substituted the chicken breast with chicken sausage, carrots, mushrooms (optional) and onions. Mixed them with 1/2 tp of salt, 1 tp of pepper, 1 tp of sugar, 1 tp of oil and 1/2 tp of oyster sauce.

Then, I just rolled the dough with my very big ketchup bottle which I kept only due to this purpose. I had really trying hard to produce the similar shape as the dumpling I once ate. And they seems ok for me. Haha.. A cup of flour can produce 6 cute dumplings. When I ate 3 of them, I'm already full. Hadoiyai...

This is my first attempt to prepare a non Malay traditional food, except for spaghetti. But what to do, seems like my stomach can't tolerate much with unfamiliar food. Next time, I'll try the cordon bleu. Only that now I don't have any toothpick to stick the chicken breast together. Otherwise, I would have been eating them vigorously now (^^,)

Boyfriendku dan girlfriendnya

Boyfriend....cantik kasut baru. Suke2~ Rasenye lawa lg kot kaler brown ni dr putih. Senang ckt nk jage. Awak bukan rajin basuh kasut. Kan? Hehe.. Tau dah~

Nanti pkai ngn kemeja cantik tau. Touch up kacak2. Biar ramai peminat pon tak pe. Tp awak jgn layan. Ada paham? Bagus2.

Nak post kat FB, konpem awak tak bce. Nak email, dah antr email surprise dah. Huhu :P Surprise kan?? Ke tak :(

Maka, post la kat blog. Sume org bce surat chentew ni. Tak pe, yg penting kite happy (^^,)

Boyfriend jge diri, keje lek lok, jgn bwk kete laju2 dan benti merokok cepat2. Tau! 1437~

Technische Mechanik 2 is so scary. Gudehus paper is immer the ultimate serial killer.

Dienstag, den 26. Januar 2010.
Sehr viel Glück!!


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Blogger bersayap kiri

Aku terbaca satu blog yg bertuankan seorang Melayu dan menggunakan Bahasa Melayu untuk mencipta entry kontroversi. Ntah la dia ni VIP mana yang gila ramai pengikut yg lagaknya mempunyai tahap IQ yg melangit. Hakikatnya lurus bendul. Apa blogger tu cakap, semua follow membuta. Come on la... Does anyone has brain there?

Isu 1 : Pemakaian tali leher di negara bercuaca panas seperti Malaysia.

Memang Malaysia 'negara empat musim'. So what? Tak bleh pakai tali leher? Kalau pkai t-shirt indie pegi high table tu, awesome kah? Dgn seluar baggy separuh bontot nampak boxer spongebob, tak cukup ngn tu kasi lagi lower biar nampak spender Mr. Crab plak.. Tak dinafikan Malaysia panas, tapi ada ka termaktub dalam undang2 negara yg tie tu kena bawak tido? Setakat 9 jam sehari dgn keadaan berhawa dingin atau berkipas besau, takkan tak leh survive bro? Jangan la jerut leher kau tu. Smart apa berkemeja dan bertali leher. Kalo tambah ngn tux, lagi cool. Baju indie kau tu, nanti kau kawen tolong la bawak naik pelamin. Kena pkai baju butang smpai atas pon bising satu malaya. Asal kau ada cleavage mantap ka nk show off tu?

Isu 2 : Utusan Malaysia jadi bahan kutukan tak berkesudahan.

Truly speaking, Utusan ni tak da la favorite aku. Tapi aku paham la kenapa elemen pro terhadap kerajaan tu melambung2. Kau kutuk beriya Utusan ni, kau ni pembangkang ek? Don't worry la. Esok kalo la ditakdirkan Pakatan Rakyat mentadbir negara, berguni2 kata2 manis Utusan boleh bagi tau. Time tu aku rasa kau dh tak bising dh. Ntah2 jadi favorite kau plak. Kau pon tak sedar yg kau tu indirectly melambung2 puji the other side. Apa beza kau ngn wartawan Utusan tu. Sah2 kau bersayap kiri. Mana kau tau Saiful tu bersumpah palsu. Semua org boleh cakap la ada sumber2 yg dipercayai. Kawan sekolah masa kat MCKK la. Sepupu sepapat kepada setiausaha peribadi la. Jiran belakang rumah pon boleh kelentong. Allah dan yg berkenaan ja yang tahu. Kau gelak baca Utusan. Aku gelak baca entry kau yg ternyata berat sebelah dan bercirikan tidak intelektual tu.

Isu 3 : Bahasa rojak Manglish dan Melarab.

Bahasa rojak memang isu besar. Tapi kenapa Manglish sahaja menjadi isu? Kenapa Melarab tak jadi isu? Sebab English bahasa penjajah. Arab bahasa Al-Quran. Nampak tak perbezaan. Sila ctrl plus kalo tak nampak. Orang guna Manglish bila nak sembang2 kosong time lunch hour atau pon borak2 smbil multitasking buat Bilanz. Melarab plak digunakan ketika majlis ilmu yang dihadiri para malaikat yang mendoakan setiap para jemaah supaya diberi keberkatan dunia dan akhirat. Baca bawah ni. Apa komen anda?

Contoh Manglish

"Wey bodoh,bila nak sampai siaaal?"

"Aku kat traffic light la bangang"

"Demmit... Ada accident plak depan ni"

"Cepat la sampai pantekk. Movie dah nak start ni"

"Babi! Kau boleh sabar tak. Aku nak U-turn la ni. Jam plak"

“Fuck la wey! Cepat sikit.”

Contoh Melarab

"Assalamualaikum W.B.T"

"Waalaikumsalam W.B.T"

"Dah kat mana tu. Tak sampai2 lagi. Risau jgk ana"

"Mintak maaf la lambat. Insyaallah 10 minit lagi sampai la"

"Masyaallah, ada kereta terbabas la kat depan ni"

"Innalillahi wa inna ilaihi raji'un"

"Ni ana nak pusing balik. Lambat lagi la nampaknya"

"Oh, tak apa. Anta bawak kereta elok2"

Pernah dengar ka org cakap, "Fuck la anta ni" ??

Isu 4 : Pengeluaran dan penjualan rokok secara berleluasa.

Merokok membahayakan kesihatan. Setuju! Malaysia termasuk dalam 70% pengeluar rokok dunia termasuk banyak negara membangun yang lain. Bilangan perokok di Amerika dan Britain berkurang dgn mendadak dari dekad ke dekad. Kenapa Malaysia tak boleh contohi Amerika? Meh aku jawab. Secara logiknya, Amerika dan Britain adalah negara besar dan telah mencapai negara maju setelah berkurun lamanya. Hyperbola sikit. Masa Amerika jadi negara membangun, kau ada kaji berapa kadar pengeluaran rokok mereka dan jumlah perokok tegar? Memang tak dinafikan ini adalah salah satu sumber kewangan Malaysia. Kalau Malaysia hilang salah satu sumber kewangannya, ada kau kisah nak bentangkan kat parlimen tu idea2 bernas kau? Pegi mampus la. Konpem kau balik tido ja. Ramai yang bising, Malaysia tak patut buat itu buat ini, abis apa yang patut buat? Pengeluar rokok utama dunia, pembekal minyak gred pertama dunia dan macam2 lagi la yg org suka hati cakap salah. Abis nak jual apa lg untuk cover income negara yg kau suh mansuhkan tu? Salah perokok kalo degil jgk nk merokok. Rokok mahal, perokok rugi, Malaysia untung. Plus Amerika ada marijuana, ganja, morfin. Peduli apa dgn nikotin.

Isu 5 : Hak keistimewaan orang Melayu.

Kau tu Melayu bro. Kalo la tak ada dalam perlembagaan Malaysia tentang ni, kau dh tak boleh nk berblogging dgn bebasnya di era millenium ni. Mmg la Melayu skrg kurang daya saing. Tapi mmg kita tuan tanah. Bak kata debater tu, kalo tak ada kuota, dah lama Melayu terpaksa berambus dari Tanah Melayu. Dengan sekali2 kau kena berambus tau. Kita bukannya berat sebelah yang melampau. Muda-mudi yg ke laut tu tak da nya kerajaan nak bela beriya. Kau ni tak bersyukur. Patutnya kau pon dicampak ke laut. Bangsa lain tak bising, bangsa Melayu plak nk pertikai hak sendiri. Pernah dgr tak bank antr kat jemputan kat perompak, perompak plak belum apa2 pegi surrender kat balai? Bukan nak samakan Melayu dgn perompak, tapi tolong la jgn merompak hak kami dan keturunan kami.

Isu 6 : Infrastruktur di Malaysia yang mati segan hidup tak mahu.

Kalo nak dibandingkan dgn Europe, mmg la langit ngn bumi. Cuba letak glob atas meja dan berdiri 1 meter jauh. Tunjuk dgn tepat kedudukan Malaysia. Kau konpem fail punya. Nak buat tram or underground, cukup ka duit? Cukup ka tanah? Dah ada LRT pon dah besar rahmat. Aku setuju kau cakap teksi meramaikan jemaah pengguna jalan raya. Kadang2 pakcik teksi tu jahat cas lebih kat wanita2 cute macam aku. Masalahnya, KL tu padat. Satu rumah at least satu kereta. Cuba kau cadang, nak buat train celah mana lg? Nak kau korbankan tapak rumah kau untuk railway nnti? Kau ni complain ja lebih kan? Solution nya tak da pon. Macam mana la kau boleh jadi hakim bahas Bahasa Melayu. Kau nk sepak professor sebelah. Aku plak nk sepak kau laju2. Aku rasa, kau lg baik pegi packing barang, malam ni jgk pegi Vietnam ngn NameWee. 10 tahun baru balik. Aku nk tgk kau punya gah tu bertahan smpai mana. Pastu kau jangan beranak plak. Menambah populasi rakyat Malaysia ja. Lagi sempit negara aku. Jumpa anak kau tgh jalan, aku baling bawah treller.

Aku bukannya ahli falsafah bertauliah pon. Since negara ini negara demokrasi, maka tak salah sekiranya masing2 memberi pendapat pro and con. Kali ini, aku membidas segala hujah2 ahli fikir mcm kau, bila2 masa org lain pon boleh bidas aku balik. Plus, aku bukannya over pro kerajaan atau pon over detest sayap kiri, cuma aku pikir benda yang logik. Nak hapuskan tol, mana nk dapat duit bayar hutang berbilion2 tu. Semua propaganda parti2 ni bunyi macam nk bagi rakyat senang. Cuti bersalin lebih la. Kalo sehari 100 ibu bersalin dah cuti 2 bulan. Bapa plak dapat tumpang sekaki cuti sebulan. Ini bermakna dlm sehari 100 wanita tidak bekerja selama dua bulan. Ini ok lagi dan mmg patut la. 100 bapa rileks kat rumah sebulan dan makan gaji free. Seminggu 700 ibu bersalin, sebulan 2800, setahun kira sendiri. Aku rasa, Malaysia yg heaven berubah menjadi papa kedana. Aku sbg wanita tidak boleh sama sekali mementingkan diri sendiri dan menjatuhkan ekonomi negara.

ps: Bby jgn emo k. Ayg x ckp pasal b tau. Love you.

My flaws, my sins

Simple things that I am still not able to do after millions of trying.

  1. Hold a cat. I can even turn the whole dining table upside down if I scent its presence. Although it is actually somebody's feet missing in direction.
  2. Hold a hamster. I only dare to put a finger on its back for only a second. Because after that, it will turn its head right away and become eager.
  3. Wear pink sweater given by him. It's a big S. Another method of long term motivation. Sweetheart, wasn't there any larger L?
  4. Resist sales/Sonderpreis/Top Angebot/jualan murah/less 70% etc. I've tried OK!
  5. Wake up as early at 7 a.m. for the whole week including Saturday and Sunday. It's either I don't sleep at all or oversleep.
  6. Brush my teeth 3 times a day. It's not a routine for me to do this essential thing before midnight sleep.
  7. Read Berita Harian/Utusan/Malaysia Kini/NST everyday although I have this unlimited internet connection. What is happening in Malaysia right now?
  8. Attend classes for the whole week although FH is just 2 minutes walk.
  9. Finish reading a novel instead of listening a detail summary from Jera. Either I am too lazy to brain storming or Jera is a good story teller:P
  10. Bake a nice, tasty moist chocolate cake. I'm still giving up on baking right now. I rather but an awesome ready made one. What a waste of my last cake from Secret Recipe. I was so full that the cake ended up in the bin next morning.

Even that I have so many flaws, I still like myself..

"I never think that I did something wrong. I only think what I did was not enough."

Yes, what I did was not wrong. Only that I didn't put a greater effort to them although I knew, they won't be satisfying enough.

Apologizing means regretting. If the line is totally true, there would be nobody on earth standing straight and apologizing.

All the way to achieve my satisfaction, I will push anything aside in a polite way or vice versa. I apologize to any God's creation for being such a selfish person. But they're just happen to meet the wrong person, be at the wrong place in the wrong time.

Flaws, nobody is perfect.

  1. Pride - like forever!
  2. Greed - of course!
  3. Lust - admit it.
  4. Envy - yeah, but it seldom helps.
  5. Gluttony - always!
  6. Wrath - suits me well. Holy shit!
  7. Sloth - almost everyday. Haishh~

And pairing these sins with catholic demons :

  1. Lucifer - Pride
  2. Mammon - Greed
  3. Asmodeus - Lust
  4. Leviathan - Envy
  5. Beelzebub - Gluttony
  6. Satan - Wrath
  7. Belphegor - Sloth

Dear Almighty, please have mercy.

2nd battle...all the best everyone!!!
moga perjalanan ke Turnhalle diberkati hendaknya...


Yeah.. It's done. Fuh~

Liebe alle Dozenten

Liebe Herr Shehata, Balslimke, Perseke, Steber and finally beloved Uncle Gudehus,

Please give me at least some kentucky fried chicken, chicken chop, chicken fillets, chicken rice, chicken burger and chicken cordon bleu as soon as possible. Otherwise, I don't wanna take your papers! Seriously!!

But, give me minimum 4.0 no matter what.

Binti Abdul Talib, Noor Hafizah Hanim.

Beautiful means beautiful

Aku suka tengok pengantin perempuan. Suka tengok baju yg cantik, crown yg berkilat-kilat, make up yg membuatkan pengantin biasa2 jadi super lawa. Hehe. Zaman sekarang fesyen pengantin muslimah dh berkembang luas. Macam-macam org letak atas kepala. Kalo la tempayan tu lawa, dah lama ada org junjung ja tempayan tu naik pelamin. Mari tgk ni...siapa kata pengantin bertudung tak boleh melawa. Yg penting, duit la cha~

Akak kat atas ni pkai tudung yg ada awning bersulam-sulam. Aku nak sulam gitu, 10 tahun pon tak siap. Pastu ekor dia lilit-lilit saja kat belakang. Tak cukup ngn sulam kat kepala, head to toe sulam-sulam ni. Plus kaler purple dan putih pon gabungan yang awesome. Btw, kaler apa yg match dgn putih tak awesome?? Cantik~ I like :P

Akak ni plak, dah macam hutan pokok krismas dah kat kepala dia. Aku rasa ada kot 3 kg. Ni untuk pengantin yang berani mencuba style baru mcm ni. Instead of pkai veil ngn crown, tempek ja kuntum-kuntum ros dan pacakkan pokok-pokok krismas tu. Glamour la akak ni. Haha.

Muka gembira ja minah ni. Baju pengantin kaler gold dan merelip-relap gini sesuai untuk pengantin kulit cerah. Aku rasa dia cucuk-cucuk kerongsang ja kat anak tudung tu. Tak pon jahit manik-manik supaya menjadi bunga-bunga yg lawa. Yang ni aku suka tgk veil dia. Macam cantik~

Ni macam muka Ekin. Ekin kah ni? Muka kerek dan garang semacam ja. Tak pa, bukan nk tengok muka dia. Aku suka gabungan pink dan putih. Kejelitaan terserlah dan nampak awesome. Plus aku suka crown style ni. Yg menyelaputi dan memenuhi ruang kepala. Nak pkai benda ni bleh tak mama? Tak boleh pon nk jugak. Kalo tak sebijik, nak yg ala-ala gini k. Yang lain tamau.

Wah..Ini fesyen pengantin moden pkai hoodie. Gown dia kembang giler lah. Kalo aku dh terpijak-pijak dan tersungkur depan pelamin dah ni. Hiasan atas kepala yg simple. Boleh dipraktikkan kalo kita ada 5 wedding reception untuk memberi kelainan di setiap majlis. Kalo keliling umah asik becak ja, tak payah la wei. Tapi akak ni nampak ayu dan manis la...

Ni style pengantin western yg pkai double veil untuk tutup muka. Macam best pkai gitu. Boleh menyembunyikan kecuakan dan keketaran tahap dewa di kenduri nanti. Walaupon tak da la cover muka sangat benda ni. Baju minah ni pon mcm menggunakan kain 20 meter. Dengan perincian yang memeningkan jiwa untuk dikaji, aku rasa mahal ni. Tak da la cantik sgt pon aku rasa. Serabut di upper part. Bawah dah cantik sebab bila jalan mesti beralun-alun. Alter sikit bleh jadi cun ni.

Baju akak ni lawa...... Match dgn outline body dia. Flow pon nampak menarik. Aku suka baju ni... Macam diperbuat dr serpihan kain tapi tetap awesome. Nak pkai baju ni dgn crown td boleh tak? Dia punya hiasan kepala tak menarik sangat la. Rasa mcm terlebih renda. Tapi overall, baju ni baru la kena dgn pengantin vogue yang ala-ala girl power. Very nice (^^,)


I was like....
Why you're so obsessed with me?
Boy I wanna know.
Talking soft and sweet with me.
Boy I wanna know.
Telling you're in love with me.
Boy I wanna know.
Holding hands and walk with me.
Boy I wanna know.
Why you're so obsessed with me?

Now I'm so obsessed with you.
Boy you need to know.
Making calls to talk with you.
Boy you need to know.
Dreaming cause I'm missing you.
Boy you need to know.
Giving all my love to you.
Boy you need to know.
Now I'm so obsessed with you.

I'm delusional , I'm delusional.
Boy, I'm losing my mind.
Finally found a boy that could impress.
I'm nearly lose my breath.
Why I'm so obsessed with you?

My ultimate TO-DO-LIST in Malaysia.

See Neesa's entry, I'm also excited to do a TO-DO-LIST.

  1. Lunch with nasi putih + ikan keli + masak lemak ikan tenggiri + sambal belacan + baby kailan goreng + siakap bakar + sup ikan merah + other Malay traditional cuisines + Mama's recipe .
  2. Mamaks cuisines which includes nasi goreng mamak + mee goreng mamak + maggi goreng mamak + roti bom + roti tampal + tandoori.
  3. IMAX Time Square! Target : AVATAR (or anything as long as it's 3D)
  4. Mid Valley Megamall. Target : Romp + Miss Selfridge + Levis + MNG + Zara + Topman + plussss...
  5. Alter my jeans.
  6. Take millions of photos.
  7. Ask him to give me his cutest laugh which I end up laughing back :)
  8. Ask him to cook for me his best dishes : Telur Masak Merah + Telur Masak Kicap + Nasi Goreng
  9. Cook for my family with my best dishes quickly and efficiently.
  10. MUST study my notes for upcoming exams.
  11. Test drive my dad's new CRV 2010.
  12. Promote drama series to my sister. Wani, you'll love them!
  13. Keep an eye of my brother and ask him to take me out on a ride twice a week.
  14. Quarrel with my sister, provoke my brother.
  15. Prepare the nice food for papa's birthday.
  16. Valentine's Day Celebration: Have a romantic lunch/dinner with him. Be the sweetest girlfriend in the world. Grant his one ultimate wish that day.
  17. Sing together in the car like crazy. Haha.
  18. Buy a pair of wedges and wear it right away.
  19. Not to forget, apply for Praxissemester.
  20. Start planning about our next life.

The only things that I need are time and money. Don't worry. I have brains for this. Hehe (^^,)

Papa's daughter has grew up!

A serious and critical thinking in the shower about how to tell my parents that I want to half-tie a knot with my all time beloved soulmate. I even imagine the conversation with my mama. The positive and the negative way. Hurm... But she also got engaged during her high school for 5 years. She loves her parents so much. I think she would understand this situation and be nice to me. Hehe... As for my papa, he also had some naughty teenagers behaviors during the 70s. He should by hook or by crook find his young spirit back for me. Hanim sayang, you must be brave! What's worst can happen? But it's better to give at least 1 year to build the strength. My parents are not that horror and if they oppose my relationship, they would never let me go to be with my honey indirectly. Adoiyai...I'm just thinking about getting engaged first. This is a very nice start.

Gambate Hanim!!! Chayok Chayok!!!!!!!

Dear sista, I'll kill you if you dare to condemn me.

TT Syndrome.

Quick update of my life. I'm not so productive lately. I just stay at home and browse online store. Well at least, I am hyperactive at this women's best talent. Hua hua hua :) I think I might have another big syndrome besides the ETT. I should call this STT syndrome (Shopping Tiba-Tiba).

Evidence 1

When I imagine myself walking around Mid Valley with a handbag that doesn't stick to my shoulder, I quickly without a second blink buy a new ladies handbag which can be attached around my neck. Therefore I can have two hands, one side booked and the other side's free :) I just got this portable handbag yesterday.

Evidence 2

I want to wear boots without heels. Then I realize that I don't have a pair of black flat boots. Maybe the black doesn't make me look awkward than the white when last time wearing it in Malaysia. I went to a food stall for my first lunch in Malaysia, every body stared at me like I'm a legendary assassin who is going to be beheaded. Tension! But here it is, soon to arrive at my door :)

Evidence 3

Since I bought the boots, I need more slim fit jeans. Although actually I can just cramp my jeans inside it. I got one, but of course it's not enough >>>>>> Shopaholic minded. Aishah suggested that Pimkie has sales and it has quite a number of design. Pimkie.de here I come! But their standard size is confusing. So maybe I can go to Pimkie by myself and see what's there for me. Or maybe I can just try to make sure my size there.

Evidence 4

I hate trying to wear mascara and me looking so extreme ugly. Seeing a few friends of mine using clear crystal mascara, I thought that would be a nice one to start. But I still blame my going-45 degree-downwards-without bend eyelashes. I went to Mueller and grab this for only 1.95 Euro. Good start bebeh. Thanks for the encouragement from my lovely friends. Now I have no worries to wear a mascara. I found out that Essence website is girlish, but I like! Hehe :)

Evidence 5

I need a make up foundation. I've got one but not so satisfying. So I need a new one. Haha. I've google top make up foundation and finally this product from Revlon got my eyes on it. It's called Revlon Colorstay Mineral Foundation, best suitable for dry skin. I learned about it 2 days ago and kept dreaming about it. Haha. Hyperbolesss~ So yesterday, I've bought it together with the mascara. And also not to forget 2 pairs of Pimkies. It just happened to be at the same road side. Hahaha <(^_^)>

There's a lot of other evidences but my fingers might end up twisted by the time I finish typing all of it. Now I'm afraid to count my monthly budget because I can smell as stink as a skunk for an overbudget. Beauty is nothing but money, pain and hawtnesssss~


Lady Moon - Just Dance da da doo doo-mm

Finally I've decided to party by myself. I just need my energy elixir and 30 minutes later, I MUST do something and be active. No excuse at all! Besides, this is the best method to exercise indoor or specifically in this small giant Redbox. Simply using my laptop and dancing mat to force out the stubborn fat bit by bit and dance alone. Ouh! Not to forget wearing my already washed white winter jacket. Haha. It seems working well like that :)

1st, make sure that my laptop is not hanging or floating online so that it wouldn't suddenly have a heart attack. This laptop is photogenic but trust me, it sounds good too. Loud and clear~

2nd, grab my dancing mat and plug in the USB cable. Wait for a moment for the above machine to detect the intruder. The testimonial said that it will damage soon but hopefully it will last longer even I'm a friendly user. Yeah right~

3rd, wear a winter jacket (optional). But it's acceptable to do this during this beauty winter. Unless you don't want to wake your 2 or 3 or 4 packs up. Haha... I'm not gonna do this without a purpose.

4th, load the STEPMANIA and....

just dance, gonna be okay, da da doo doo-mm.
just dance, spin that record babe, da da doo doo-mm.

5th, after 45 minutes just stop and set the things back to normal. Feels happy that I finally do something beneficial in my life today rather than eating, facebooking, bloggering, online (window) shopping and blabbering.

Party Like This...HU HU HU~

Hishhhh....bosan nya hidup sorang2 setiap hari, tak kelur bilik dan mengadap diri sendiri ja. Lama2 konpem aku lupa cara nk bercakap kalo 10tahun hidup begini. Siapa nk berparti ngn aku? Kita bukak Pussycat Dolls pastu menari sesuka hati ramai2. Macam malam clubbing di hostel GMI dlu tu. Jera dan Ejat, aku rindu nk poll dancing ngan hampa weh. Haha. Kita berparti secara educated sesama. Kalo la rumah hampa 1 kilometer ja, aku dh gagah jalan kaki meredah salji nih. Coburg! You took my life far away. I want my life back!!!! Tamau la hari2 joget sorang :(

Latest Update Of My Life

First entry after renovating my blog for the whole day. Miss Postwoman rang my bell again. This time, she gave me these things :)



As for you dear, wait for my surprise!!!!!!! HEHE

I thought it's a HE

Today I received.......

  • A big bunch of Milos
  • A whole box of Maggies
  • Two large packets of noodles
  • 4.98kg of rice since another 0.02kg had to be vacuumed
  • Jelly pudding and some essential

Oh Miss Postwoman... I know you won't disappoint me. Do come again next day ok. You're most welcomed :)

Por siempre amor

Estimado mi amor,

Le falto diario. Deseo que pueda verle primera cosa en mi día. Quiero saber si usted está pensando en querido imitación. Falto realmente su sonrisa y su tacto caliente. No le lastimaré otra vez mi amor. No quiero verle gritar más. Perdóneme por favor para todos mis errores. Amor, si tengo que cruzar el océano o subir la montaña para estar con usted, incluso si me caigo tan muchas veces, yo no doy para arriba. Porque te amo tanto y nada puede hacerme más feliz que estando por su lado. ¿Usted falta imitación?

Nos encontraremos en otro un mes. Tengo comienzo a curioso qué debe yo usa para verle en el aeropuerto. ¿Qué usted usaría ese día agradable? Pero no importa qué, te amo la manera usted está. Usted es mi amor por siempre. Nadie es perfecto que usted, por lo menos en mi mundo. La cosa más importante es, soy feliz y agradecido que usted nunca me rechaza y permanece siempre al lado de mi lado.

Puedo sentir que incluso cientos años más adelante, todavía llevaremos a cabo nuestras manos juntas, caminaremos lentamente a lo largo de la playa y mentiremos abajo mirando la puesta del sol. Y todavía diré eso, usted soy la persona más maravillosa que me he encontrado nunca.

Te amo por siempre miel.

(Have you ever heard about Babelfish?)

Wait a minute Mr. Postman

I am currently waiting for somebody to knock my door and he is of course my love-ley Mr. Postman. What to do... I was born with my shopaholic personality. Hahaha. But dear sista, I'm a bit hesitant to shop on your behalf. No money no talk ok. You know I love you soooo much due to your adorable razor personality. Hooooooshh~

Lately I'm busy with my online shopping again. I'm addicted with online shawlsssss!! You know, I don't expect to spend much time at Malaysia to find shawls at Jalan TAR or what. Wait a minute, do you find that I'm making excuses?? How could you? Huaaaaa :(

How could you be so right about me? Haishh... Women can't never have too many cloths right?. (Ayat ciplak ni. Baca dgn nada yg sepatutnya k) With the aid of technology which makes online banking accessible from 2000 miles away, I think I've made through obstacles to ambush any kind of boutiques on screen. So if I have to cross the Pacific Ocean or Himalaya, who cares?

I'm looking forward to receive my cute presents from Mr. Postman. Oh yes, wait a minute Mr. Postman~ Please Mr. Postman, look and see if there's a package for me.....

Biskut 4 segi lemau dalam milo suam

Arghhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!! Saya perlukan something untuk mencergaskan diri supaya belajar dgn tekun seperti pelempang maut, penyepak dua hala atau pon penumbuk Hang Tuah. Kenapa saya malas sangat nih???? Dulu dah janji sem ni nak rajin. Sem ni plak janji sem depan nak rajin. Adoiyai... Lambat lagi la nk kawen gini. Tapi tu tak cukup untuk memotivasikan diri supaya kejang mengadap buku nota bertimbun nih.

Saya rasa la... Andai kata kalo saya tak rajin belajar, asteroid akan melanggar bumi atau ais di kutub mencair dgn kadar 1000 gelen per minit, baru la agaknya saya akan gigih dan istiqamah. Tak pon andai kata semua anaconda mengamuk di muka bumi ini kalo saya tak belajar, konpem saya makan buku tido buku hari2. Tapi malangnya, kalo saya tak belajar saya boleh tengok banyak cerita dan bermain-main. Damn it!!

Ok lah, saya perlu memaksa diri untuk belajar. Bukannya buat nota jadi pelapik siku. Noor Hafizah Hanim!!!! Sebelum singa betina Taman Melati meroyan, baik kamu study bersungguh-sungguh dan lepas tu boleh kawen. Ada paham?!!

Addicted to Fahrenheit

Since Aimi has a new boyfriend, I also want to add up four pretty boys to be my second boyfriends. Seems like they are cuter than Aimi's. Ngeh ngeh ngeh <(^_^)>

I've cried. Now cry me a river.

Today, 1st January 2010, I have another not-nice things to say about life. Hearing all those fire crackers from outside really gives me another wake up call. I know recently that I'm running out of ideas to write beautiful things rather than create a depressed surrounding.

I'm not feeling well today. So maybe my physical affects my emotional. When the clock stroked new year just now, I noticed that everyone lives and survives on top of other's miseries. When I want to cheer people, I am the one who being hurt. When I have to put myself back together, there'll be at least someone who I have to put aside. I've been called selfish many times. But they never help me to find the perfect solution. They are telling me the possible consequences of what I've done, that I should not on the first place choose the path that I've taken. But none of them has ever told me what to do for the sake of myself.

Don't they ever notice that I am fragile in many ways? I do keep many things to myself in the name of love and friendship. I think it's human who can't lead two opposite things to a single route and not even close to parallel. There're many times that I have to make a choice. Either it's left or right, up or down, somebody may gets hurt no matter which route I've decided to take, whether it's the person around me or just myself.

Sometimes, I feel like living in a bunch of enemies. They hurt me so much, so I make their life miserable in order for me to smile again. I may hurt them to the deepest point, so they act against me many times. Isn't we are all the same regarding this aspect?

I never want to make myself looks pathetic. Normally I would write generally. This time it's better to use the first person view since I am one of people who hurt and being hurt, other than to avoid problems and misunderstanding in the future.

This is like a circle. We can never go to different direction to avoid every point in a circle. What goes around comes back around. To people, I want to apologize for trouble that I caused. But I can't promise to not repeat my mistakes again.

Please somebody hit me with a point of view on how to satisfy both sides, other than just give and take. Right now, I'm just forcing myself to distinguish do's and don't depending on what my body can take. Things that lying in the middle just give me another headache and frustration. What's the problem of saying something out loud by the way?