Monolog dalaman

I've just finished the first KM Ubung, which took me nearly 3 hours to do it although it was actually a smooth calculation process. But it covered too many formulas and a lot of Mathematic calculation. My head will explode if I continue more. Please Herr Perseke, don't torture me in the exam.

Ok, let's go directly to the main point today. A conversation.

My mouth : Dear Mr. Brain... I have a simple question for you. Will you find the answer for me?

My brain : Of course. What is your question?

My mouth : I've seen this situation so many times. Why would an educated and clever person always do things that obviously wrong with no benefit?

My brain : Hurm... That's a tough one dear. From my observation, I think that particular person has no gut make everything back to normal. That person might have something that he/she doesn't wanna lose by doing it right.

My mouth : But does the action will just make everything worse? You know, doing the wrong thing is not the right thing to do.

My brain : Sometimes it happens.... It depends on how bad is his/her condition. That's a quote that say "If you want somebody badly, let it go. If it comes back to you, then it's yours forever. If it doesn't, then it was never yours to begin with."

My mouth : Yeah, I've heard it.

My brain : Well, applying it is not that simple. Seems like that person is very afraid to lose someone he/she really care. So, he/she chooses to deny this quote although back of his/her head, it's true.

My mouth : Mr. Brain, if you're suffering because of your loved one, will you continue to give everything to him with no boundaries?

My brain : Another tough question. If I ever love someone that much, I will do everything in my power for him. But I'm sure that he won't like seeing me suffer because of him. I think, the basic rule in a relationship is not causing any trouble to each other. It involves giving and taking.

My mouth : What do you think if one part is always giving and the other part is only taking?

My brain : My fellow neurons conclude that, it's the most stupid relationship that exists in this world. Love are supposed to ease people, not to make someone sad almost everyday. I can see that one part is only taking advantage of others love and kindness.

My mouth : That's really true. I'm totally agree with you. It's not supposed to happen by any means. Sounds like gigolo to me. True love will never exist in this kind of relationship. I don't see any reason for this relationship to continue.

My brain : Love is blind. And people always blindly love the person they think is the best. When someone's in love, there'll be nothing wrong with his/her judgement. But the big problem is, he/she will deny every negative judgement and do everything he/she shouldn't do.

My mouth : Then it's like suffering is the best way to maintain a relationship.

My brain : Yes, that's what some people thought.

My mouth : I don't want this kind of relationship. Everyone deserves the best in life.

My brain : Well, assume that he/she is just an unlucky person who is currently not being blessed by a good luck. Right?

My mouth : Yeah, you're right. I'm tired of talking.

My brain : I'm tired of thinking. Let me have a nice sleep please...

My mouth : Ok. Later~

My brain : Later~

And I went to sleep...