It's been a while since my last entry. Well, been busy... Haha... WTF! Acah aje meh~

I'm adapting to this new place right now. I think I go with the flow gracefully. Lots of new friends from many races and chances to improve my communicative English are widely opened. Well, I've met Ainul, Zakiah, Kadiaq, Napi but Fahmi. Always busy woo....

Last birthday, he surprised me once again for the very 10000th time. He is good at surprises. Demmit!!! I don't even know how to surprise him. He is unpredictable and can hold a secret surprise for a very long time until the day comes. That adds up another 100 points for him, so the total points would be.......uncountable.

On my birthday eve, I got speechless again. He gave me a box and told me to open it sharp at 12. At 12 o'clock, I heard a Happy Birthday song coming out from the box. I got curious and opened it nervously. I was damn shock and touched. It was a beautiful wedding box filled with N97 mini. Like I said, unpredictable...

On his birthday, I did nothing YET except for buying him a dinner. Ok la kan... soon my surprise will come. But he already knows that I have a surprise for him. Haiyak! I told him myself and I regret it. Why can't I wait??

Overall, I start to like this place. I'm gonna treasure it as much as I can. Hell yeah! He's only 10 minutes away from me. What to expect more huh? I'm loving it (^^,)