I want your babies!!!!

Dear all my friends,

I am writing here in to ask for your kindness and greatest mercy in order to create a new sophisticated future generations. Seems like it is hard to change people's mind and their way of thinking. So I suggest that we help the new generations and let them be a competitive society. This can lead to development of our economical and political aspects. We are keen to move forward and increase our standard in the eye of the world. There will be one day that we can walk freely on the streets without having a strange look from others. And when they ask, "Where are you from?" We can proudly say, "I'm from Malaysia!" without a need to continue with "Do you know Malaysia?"

So friends, please support me to accomplish my mission and lend your hands in my upcoming project. I know that someday all my friends will get married and have the cutest babies. These babies are our next generation and they are going to rule the world one fine day. Therefore, trust me and let me take care of your babies for a while until the project is done. You can see the layout of my project in this video.

Please note that here I mean only cute babies k. No external grown up babies. Haha :)


jera said...

erk,, could i be the only one who thinks this is...creepy??? patung2 baby yg kt pasaq malam yg bleh merangkak pastu buat2 bunyi tu aku xska jgk. mungkinkah aku trauma dgn chucky? hahaha.

Feezah Hanimoon said...

woit..mana sama ngan chucky. ni hip hop babes la~

chadleyh said...

baby last tu sgt fake.. ahhaha! tp vid ni sgt comel..maaf moon...aku rase baby aku xsecomel n sputih tu nnt.. combination aku ngn akim(hopefully) akan mndtgkan baby nescafe gold.. whahaha. xckup comel utk projek ang. booohoo.. lols

Feezah Hanimoon said...

lol. aku plan nk mix baby2 pelbagai kaler. baby fudye ngn jera ang x tgk lagi. jera jgn marah ye. hehe..janji aku nk baby yg montel2 dan sihat. precautions untuk dia terguling2 nnti.

Anonymous said...

waddehell moon!lol aku ingtla psl ape td.haha tp moon,scary ar baby tu.mcm anak patung chucky but without the scars and less scary tgh menari2.

scheiss.dahla aku tido sorang mlm ni.blh plak ckp psl chucky.huh.

Feezah Hanimoon said...

haha...abis la neesa malam ni. chucky datang dlm mimpi nanti. baca doa banyak2 ye neesa~


Mr. D said...

Ajar baby baca Quran lagi bagus(^^,)

Feezah Hanimoon said...

dunia akhirat kena kejar cik abang oi~

Asma Azizan said...

takut ko moon~ ish3. lagi takut klu memikirkan nk serahkn baby kt ko! haha

Feezah Hanimoon said...

suma org x da kepercayaan nk bagi baby kat aku. mungkihkah sebab sindrom aku yg gemar mencubit pipi baby montel?? haha

feemitidee said...

moon, as much as i love you, i love my babies more! :P

Feezah Hanimoon said...

btw, do have babies first. then we proceed with bargaining k. hehe:)