Lets kill my brother!

Current Mode : Vigorously angry

Reason : My brother pretends like he is so otai but apa pun tarak! He has a very, very, very bad behavior and thinks that people can't just live without him. Boleh belahhhh~

Solution : Provoke him more. The more the merrier! Serve him right. Provoke more about his gf who might also have mental disorder like him. Padan muka!

Reaction : He warn me to sabotage the internet tomorrow. Waddahek! Do I look like I care? I'm an engineer-to-be. Nasib baik tak jadi doktor. Or else I will screw his head at his butt!

Result : He's a loser! Now his phone credit has gone and his so-called urgent matter remains unsolved at least for tonight. Ada hati nk pinjam my phone plak? Untuk si Miza tu tak payah la. Not productive at all.

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